Queer zine
Queer Zine produced on the occasion of STRANGE PERFUME 2019 at South London Gallery. All submissions were sent from Latin America to editorialfacsimile@gmail.com by their authors. This publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can view and share online here: https://issuu.com/home/published/queer_zine
Queer Zine
This zine is 40 pages, A5 size distributed and printed on demand in Mexico, UK and Europe.
All submissions were sent to editorialfacsimile@gmail.com byFernando Chezko - fernandochezko@gmail.com
Angarillo - andersonudenar@gmail.com
Kimberly Ponce - kim_pon@hotmail.com
Ignacio Navarro - ignacio_navarro_cortez@yahoo.com.mx
Héctor Rivera - hectoriveraruiz@gmail.com
Vado Va - vadillocarlos@gmail.com
Marisol Rojas - marisol.artistavisual@gmail.com
Alissia - mpenalvaleal@gmail.com
Claudia Sandoval - s.table.rw@gmail.com
Ricardo Vizcarra - lancelot33@hotmail.com
Iter Intergalactic - iter.mx@gmail.com
Gerardo Contreras - geras.cr18.1997@gmail.com